ultimate photos


You must pay for all expenses, Bus tickets, train tickets, plane tickets, etc.

You will get  500-700 quality photos.

Color grading and photo editing or printing will be anywhere from $5-50 depending on how many there are.

Everything will be paid through Venmo or Apple Cash.

everything will be shot on a GoPro hero 10 until I can get a better camera.

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You must pay for all expenses, Bus tickets, train tickets, plane tickets, etc.

You will get  500-700 quality photos.

Color grading and photo editing or printing will be anywhere from $5-50 depending on how many there are.

Everything will be paid through Venmo or Apple Cash.

everything will be shot on a GoPro hero 10 until I can get a better camera.

You must pay for all expenses, Bus tickets, train tickets, plane tickets, etc.

You will get  500-700 quality photos.

Color grading and photo editing or printing will be anywhere from $5-50 depending on how many there are.

Everything will be paid through Venmo or Apple Cash.

everything will be shot on a GoPro hero 10 until I can get a better camera.